Becker | Busch PartmbB

A (small) success story in business law

Antitrust and competition law

Antitrust and competition law

Opportunities and risks often go hand in hand in competitive conduct and in the drafting of contracts: companies must therefore continuously check whether their conduct towards competitors, suppliers, customers or even in associations is compatible with antitrust and/or competition law. In order to recognize with legal certainty which conduct, agreements and decisions are permissible under antitrust law, which are questionable and which are prohibited, know-how and a sure instinct are required. Only by understanding these risks antitrust and competition sanctions be avoided or risks minimized. Based on such understanding antitrust and competition law instruments can sometimes even be used as "leverage".

IT Law

IT Law

Information technology law deals with a wide range of legal issues associated with the use of the Internet. It does not constitute a separate area of law in the legal sense, but forms an interface for all areas of law in the field of the internet. Becker|Busch advises clients on the development and protection of innovations, including the development of strategies for the registration, maintenance and enforcement of intellectual property rights as well as the management of IP rights.

Becker|Busch PartmbB was founded as a law boutique and is now a recognized law firm where experienced business lawyers personally advise companies and institutions from various industries on a national and international level with commitment, competence, creativity and conviction.

The expertise of Becker|Busch covers the core aspects of business law, whereby Becker|Busch is upon demand backed by the support of experienced lawyers from his own network in some special law areas.

A particular focus is on the following industries: automotive, aviation, construction, chemical, logistics, steel and travel industries. The areas of IT, communication technology, energy and tourism complete the picture.


Lutz M. Becker


Lutz M. Becker is responsible for energy and antitrust law and also has many years of experience in implementing cooperations and restructuring measures.

In addition to the assertion of and defense against antitrust damages claims, his advice for clients in Germany and abroad also includes the conception and implementation of audits for the preventive or event-driven investigation of potential antitrust violations.

Partner of the Becker Busch partnership of lawyers mbB
Partner of the Becker Busch partnership of lawyers mbB

Stephan Busch

Stephan Busch advises companies and entrepreneurs on IT and distribution ans sales law issues, including the defense and enforcement of competition and trademark law claims. His predominantly medium-size clientele, often from the fields of services, commerce and tourism, typically requires advice across a number of legal areas.